Worked for 2.5 hours on new Thingummybob model in maya. Met with Vita to discuss it before printing out a render and heading over to theater to meet with the actors. I flipped the sewing machine to the other side so the actors could use it properly. Also explored ideas for blurring the line between "top" and "bottom" of the thingummybob.

Spent 2 hours in class with the actors.
We met with the actors today to discuss ideas for the Thingummybob scene and to watch the progress they have been making. The only object set in stone for the scene is the box center stage. Random props were used to take the place of the "objects to be built later" including a sewing machine, lazy susan, mechanical pump, wireless and a couple others. After watching the actors run throught the scene, it was decided that there needed to be six separate objects the actors would use to create the thingummybob. The wireless will most likely be already setup on the box from the scene prior and will also be the last object to be taken away. The first brought on will be sewing machine. Each women, while singing their parts will sit and work the sewin machine as the thingummybob comes together. I imagine as they use the sewing machine, it will produce a ribbon that crawls across the surface of the box as the thingummybob is created as well as being the driving force behind the entire machine i.e. as the needle raises up and down the pump begins to work, pipes begin to form, gears begin to turn etc. Near the end of the song, the music stops and the men (soldiers) march across the scene from backstage, and take four items, one for each soldier, that the women had just created. The projection of the thingummy bob will wipe clean as the first soldier passes infront. At the end, the women are singing acapella and only the sewing maching and wireless are left. Finally, an actress takes away the sewing machine leaving a single actress to work at the wireless.
The actors expressed interest in making each of the four objects (besides the wireless and sewing machine) to represent some other aspect of domestic life. I'm not sure at this point what they could be. Maybe a meat grinder or some other mechanical type kitchen utensil or more gadgets pertaining to the production of textiles and clothing.
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