Step by step process
A.)-For this first test the Audience's view wasn't taken into much consideration, but it should. (in order to view the projection correctly you need to be at projector level which in this case was lying on the floor.)
B.)-Our next step was to measure and arrange our objects in physical space.
1.The object we were projecting onto was a rectangular box that measured 77.75"x30"x18".
2.The projector was, in this case, arbitrarily placed 147.5 " away from the center front face of the box which was enough distance project on the entire surface. When considering projector placement it should in general be as Matt wrote- as close as practical for maximum resolution and minimum background bleed. I also tried to place it perpendicular to the box. At this stage it is also important to either zoom all the way in or all the way out so that calculations down the road are easier to find.

C.)Modeling a Virtual "set" that matched the Physical one.
1.I chose a global origin of 0,15,0 so that the box could be at the center of the virtual space with the bottom face flush with the ground plane (translate Y=15 since the box would be 30 units high)
2. It is important to also pick your units of measure within maya. We measure the physical in inches so chose inches for maya.
3.I built a polygonal cube that matched the measurements of the physical cube 77.75x30x18 and placed it at the origin. I left rotations at o,o,o since we would be projecting on the object perpendicular from one side only (in order to calibrate our maya camera with the projector we started simple with the hopes the same measurements would work when the objects are angled).
4. Next I created a camera within maya. Using the measuring tool I placed it 147.5" away from the front edge and center of the box.
5. After the camera positions match in physical and virtual space, we needed match the camera's attributes with those of the porjector.
-Aspect Ratio: 4:3- The easiest. The projector was set to 4:3 so we did the same for the camera.
-Field of View: 35.48: Can be found hopefully in the manual, or what we did was project a perfect square onto a perpindicular surface. Measure the length from lens to center of projection then from center to edge of projection we could figure out the angle using the Pythagorean theorem. Multiply by two since we only calulated half the field of view. I'm also pretty sure that the Aperture setting directly affects/calculates field of view so finding that in the manual would also be idea.
-Aperture: .902-.678: So we had a lot of trouble figuring this number out at first. Through some rough mathematics and some other measurements we got a projection that lined up closely. We later found out that some of the confusion lied in somewhat different understanding of what aperture meant in Maya compared to the Projector. It turns out that for a projector, aperture is reffering to the the LCD panel size, which according to some sources is the diagonal of the aperture measurements. Using the value from the manual produced bad results in Maya, as before, but produced better results once we realized we had been using the wrong end of the focal length range.(Hence why it is important to zoom all the way in or out in the beginning).
At this point, with all of our measurements and camera/projector settings matching in both maya and in EMMA, we were able project onto our cube properly without manual tweaking and the render-re-render process.
We did a quick experiment with rotating the physical box and then matching that rotation for the virtual to see if our calculations would still be effective and they were.
The animations were secondary for the most part. Just wanted to test what kind of depth you could get inside such a small space. I didn't push it to the max but I think it was pretty successful overall.

1.I chose a global origin of 0,15,0 so that the box could be at the center of the virtual space with the bottom face flush with the ground plane (translate Y=15 since the box would be 30 units high)
2. It is important to also pick your units of measure within maya. We measure the physical in inches so chose inches for maya.
3.I built a polygonal cube that matched the measurements of the physical cube 77.75x30x18 and placed it at the origin. I left rotations at o,o,o since we would be projecting on the object perpendicular from one side only (in order to calibrate our maya camera with the projector we started simple with the hopes the same measurements would work when the objects are angled).
4. Next I created a camera within maya. Using the measuring tool I placed it 147.5" away from the front edge and center of the box.
5. After the camera positions match in physical and virtual space, we needed match the camera's attributes with those of the porjector.
-Aspect Ratio: 4:3- The easiest. The projector was set to 4:3 so we did the same for the camera.
-Field of View: 35.48: Can be found hopefully in the manual, or what we did was project a perfect square onto a perpindicular surface. Measure the length from lens to center of projection then from center to edge of projection we could figure out the angle using the Pythagorean theorem. Multiply by two since we only calulated half the field of view. I'm also pretty sure that the Aperture setting directly affects/calculates field of view so finding that in the manual would also be idea.
-Aperture: .902-.678: So we had a lot of trouble figuring this number out at first. Through some rough mathematics and some other measurements we got a projection that lined up closely. We later found out that some of the confusion lied in somewhat different understanding of what aperture meant in Maya compared to the Projector. It turns out that for a projector, aperture is reffering to the the LCD panel size, which according to some sources is the diagonal of the aperture measurements. Using the value from the manual produced bad results in Maya, as before, but produced better results once we realized we had been using the wrong end of the focal length range.(Hence why it is important to zoom all the way in or out in the beginning).
At this point, with all of our measurements and camera/projector settings matching in both maya and in EMMA, we were able project onto our cube properly without manual tweaking and the render-re-render process.
We did a quick experiment with rotating the physical box and then matching that rotation for the virtual to see if our calculations would still be effective and they were.
The animations were secondary for the most part. Just wanted to test what kind of depth you could get inside such a small space. I didn't push it to the max but I think it was pretty successful overall.
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