I spent 2.5 hrs this morning
(7:30-10:00) setting up a simple city scape in maya. I rendered out all of the objects in different render layers as well as a separate shadow map to give me as much control in after effects as possible. The goal was to create a mock Cezanne painting with 3D images etc. At first I was unsure if it made more sense to do so inside of Maya with textures and materials or in Post and I discovered the Post production makes much more sense. It is quicker and easier to control. Also I think that adding slightly more detail (windows, doors etc) will help suggest buildings instead of just cubes. And maybe toying with adding different solid color materials to separate sides of the same geometry as well as creating more objects in general and seeing how that can play a roll in the post production process. Next step is to continue experimenting and maybe animating a short clip of changing light angles or slow pan around the landscape to see what the "painted" style will look like when moving.
Met this morning from
10a.m till about noon and stayed till
1:30 afterword messing with projector setup in Emma ( need to build a rack for next week). Most of today was spent talking about visual style and how to incorporate art styles (Cezanne/Picasso/Braque) into our camo theme and transitions. How can specific art styles assist the notion of camouflage? Try and figure out how painting techniques, brush strokes and composition can transition into 3D imagery.
6hrs. total
Individual Layers (minus shadow pass)

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