Pulled a marathon session today and started work on a new city scape. Nikki drew up some fantastic images last week for visual reference and I stole one of them to build. I spent most of the day inside of maya creating the buildings etc. and getting some basic lighting in. I'm still having trouble figureing out render layers inside of maya. I know how to use them, but I'm not sure how to seperate out the scene so that everything comes together inside of after effects. My biggest problem is with just a shadow pass. I'll have to figure that out soon. Also I've found that it may not be neccesarry to put everything onto its own layer i.e. each individual building, bush, road whatever. With just three layers, shadow, full scene and ambient occ. you have a pretty decent amount of control in post. These are some early experiments, more to come later today.

Two Layers Only

Render without Post Manipulation

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