Thrusday 3-hours rendering compositing, Friday 3 hours testing with Vita
Met with Vita on Friday for about three hours to test our projections on some curved objects sprayed with silver paint. I re-rendered three a few old scenes at 1920x1080 to see how our new projectors handled it (tank in door, grandpa/landscape still, tracks entering door). The tank in the doorway was the only one that kind of worked. The curved surfaces cause lots of alignment issues with multiple projectors. It is more probable to use anaglyph 3d as opposed to a dual projector setup.
Monday-4hours with cloth simulation. 3 hrs concept development for transitions.
So the parachute has been giving me monumental problems as well. I started from the beginning because the old scene was to complex to calculate ncloth simulations. I am taking a simpler approach to the scene setup and hopefully whatever i discover will translate smoothly back to the more complicated setup. As of now, ive changed the "man" into a cloth object as well, instead of a rigid body, to see if i can gain anymore control. The problem that is getting to me most is the lack of control of everything ha. If you make the chute flexible and dynamic, you loose control in the air but making it to rigid caused un realistice interaction when it lands. Ive tried animating attributes seperately and trying to fake it but I need to figure out how give that push and pull feel between parachute and parachuter. I rendered a play-blast and posted it with questions on Creative Crash so hopefully someone will have some good Ideas on how to go about solving some of my issues.
In the meantime I'm going to start roughing in geometry in Maya and seeing if I can't mimic a Cezanne painting with render layers and after effects.